Csökkentse költségeit

Éljen a kedvezményeinkkel

We offer you a number of cost-cutting options, with up to an annual
You can save HUF 20,000!
Live your opportunities!
Our discounts:

  • You can save HUF 1800 per year with an e-invoice discount
  • We offer a discount of HUF 4800 per year if you use the Internet and cable TV NAGY packaget together
  • By committing to a 1-year loyalty period for Internet, you can get HUF 12000 discount in one year
  • Depending on the package, you can save HUF 9000-15720 in a year with our telephone loyalty discount
Promotions are valid until withdrawn, their exact description and terms of use are contained in Appendix D of the General Terms and Conditions.

Help to take the discounts

E-invoice discount

The invoice sent in electronic form contains the same data as the printed paper invoice, the invoice is delivered by e-mail without the use of paper. The e-invoice can be paid by bank card through the customer portal, as well as by bank transfer or direct debit. Electronic invoices are always sent monthly, up to and including the 10th day of the relevant month.

The amount of the discount: HUF 150 / month

Duration of the discount: It can be used continuously as long as the conditions are met.

Annual savings available: HUF 1800 / year

Application process:
If you already use an electronic invoice, you do not need to apply separately, you will receive the discount automatically.

If you are not yet using electronic invoicing, you can apply for an "E-invoice" through the Customer Portal. To do this, log in to your Online customer service account at https://ugyfelkapu.satelit.hu (if you don't have an account yet, you can register on the same page)..
  1. Click on the E-INVOICE menu item in the menu bar.
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Click on the "Request e-invoice" button.
  4. After a successful request, the following message appears: "The e-invoice request was successful."
Internet and cable TV NAGY package combined discount

We offer a package discount if you subscribe to the SmartNet, OptiNet, oNET or iNET-50/100/250/500 internet package and the cable TV NAGY package.

The amount of the discount: HUF 400 / month

Duration of the discount: It can be used continuously as long as the conditions are met.

Annual savings available: HUF 4800 / year

Application process:
It is not necessary to apply for the discount separately, it will be automatically granted as long as the conditions are met.
1-year internet loyalty contract discount

If you order the internet package with a 1-year contract, we give you a loyalty discount.
If you are still using one of our previous packages, or your loyalty period has expired or will soon expire, then to take advantage of the discount, choose from our current offer and renew your contract with the loyalty discount!
Compared to the old packages, you will find faster ones among the new packages in a similar price category, which is why it is worth switching to our new packages!

The amount of the discount: HUF 700 - 1300 / month

Duration of the discount: In the first 11 months of the 1-year contract. The contract can also be extended in the 12th month.

Annual savings available: HUF 8400 - 15600 / year

Application process:
It is not necessary to apply for the discount separately. After the loyalty contract is concluded, it will be given automatically during the fulfillment of the conditions.
If you do not have a loyalty contract or it has expired, you can use it with a new contract.
The easiest way to do this is to order your new package on our website and enter your contract number during the order:
  1. Click on the Package menu item in the menu bar
  2. Enter the address
  3. Click on the selected Internet package
  4. Press the SEND REQUEST button
  5. Enter your data and contract number
  6. Press the SEND REQUEST button
After sending the request, our customer service will contact you soon!
Telephone loyalty discount

With most of our telephone packages, it is possible to reduce the monthly fee of the service with a loyalty discount.

The amount of the discount: varies per package, between HUF 750-1310 / month

Duration of the discount: While using the service.

Annual savings available: HUF 9000 - 15720 per year

Application process:
It is not necessary to apply for the discount separately. After the loyalty contract is concluded, it will be given automatically during the fulfillment of the conditions.